Demystifying CSS Selectors: A Layman's Guide to Targeting and Styling Web Elements

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As a beginning CSS developer, it's important to first focus on understanding selectors rather than jumping into styling techniques. Selectors allow you to precisely target elements on a page for styling. By taking the time to learn selector fundamentals before diving into specific styling how-tos, you will establish a strong CSS foundation.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) play a crucial role in the visual appeal of web pages, allowing developers to apply styles and layouts. One of the fundamental aspects of CSS is the use of selectors, which enable developers to pinpoint specific elements on a webpage and apply styles accordingly. In this article, we'll break down some key CSS selectors in simple terms and provide code examples to illustrate their usage.

(a) Universal Selector:

The universal selector, denoted by an asterisk (*), is a broad-spectrum selector that targets all elements on a page. It acts as a global styling tool, allowing developers to apply styles universally without specifying particular element types. While it's a convenient way to apply a consistent style throughout a webpage, it should be used judiciously to avoid unintended consequences.

In this example, the Universal Selector is employed to set a standardised box model for all elements on the page, ensuring a consistent layout.

(b) Individual Selector:

The Individual Selector targets elements based on their type, applying styles to all instances of that particular element. It is straightforward and precise, allowing developers to tailor the appearance of specific HTML elements.

In this case, the Individual Selector is used to set a specific font size and line height for all paragraph elements, maintaining a consistent text appearance.

(c) Class and ID Selector:

Class and ID Selectors offer a more granular approach to styling by targeting elements with specific attributes. Think of an ID as a unique identifier for an HTML element on a web page. You use an ID when you want to specifically target and style a particular element. It's like calling someone by their unique ID rather than a general name.

A class is like a label that you can apply to multiple HTML elements. Several elements can share the same class. You use a class when you want to style a group of elements in a similar way.

The Class Selector begins with a dot (.) followed by the class name, while the ID Selector starts with a hash (#) followed by the ID name.

(d) Chained Selector:

Chained selector chains multiple simple selectors to target more specific elements on a page. This selector is denoted by a dot (.) in separating two elements. When chained without spaces it selects elements that matches all of these selectors.

Some examples of how it would be used in CSS:

This would make any <h1> elements with classes of both "nav" and "red-bar" have red text.

In this HTML, only the first <h1> would be styled red, as it meets all the selector criteria.

The second <h1> would not be styled, as it does not have the required classes.

Chaining selectors in this way allows you to target elements with more specificity than using individual selectors on their own. It combines their powers to drill down to a more precise set of elements to style.

(e) Combined Selector or Comma-Separated Selector:

Combined or comma-separated selector allow you to apply styles to elements that match the elements. The comma (,) between the selectors combines their powers so that the CSS declaration applies to both element types.

It can combine any selectors - element, class, ID, pseudo-class etc.

This would add a border to elements with class .box, id #container, and to anchor tags on hover.

The comma-separated selector is useful for applying consistent styling to different selectors easily. It reduces repetition and streamlines writing CSS rules.

(f) The "Inside an Element" Selector:

The "inside an element" selector in CSS allows you to target elements that are descendants of a specified ancestor element. This lets you apply styles selectively based on the nesting of elements.

The syntax looks like this:

for example:

This will make all <p> elements red if they are inside a <section> element.

In the above HTML, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 would be styled red because they are descendants of the <section>. Paragraph 3 would not be styled.

(g) Direct Child Selector:

The direct child selector allows you to target an element that is a direct child of another element disregarding nested grandchildren. It uses the > symbol between two selectors.

The syntax looks like this:

It will not target deeper nested elements. for example

In this case, only li elements that are direct children of ul will have a square list-style type, ensuring a distinctive appearance for top-level list items.

The key is that it only selects elements that are direct children, not grandchildren or deeper descendants. This makes it different than a standard descendant selector like .parent .child.

Another example

  • The .container > p selector will target only the <p> elements that are direct children of .container. It will style the first and last <p> tags blue.

  • The .container > ul > li selector will target only the <li> elements that are direct children of the <ul> which is a direct child of .container. It will style the list items gray.

So the direct child selector allows us to target elements in a specific parent-child relationship. This can be useful for styling or selecting elements based on their location in the DOM tree.

(h) Sibling Selector:

The Sibling Selector addresses elements that share the same parent and occur sequentially. It allows developers to style elements that come after a specified element.

There are two types of sibling selectors:

(i) Adjacent sibling selector (A + B): This targets element B only if it directly follows element A.

For example:

This will select the first <p> tag and style it red, because it directly follows the <h2>. The second <p> tag will not be affected.

(ii) General sibling selector (A ~ B): This targets element B if it follows element A, immediately or later.

for example:

This will style both <p> tags with italics. Even though Div elements separate the <h2> and second <p>, the general sibling selector still targets it.

So in summary:

  • Use the adjacent selector when elements need to be immediately next to each other.

  • Use the general selector when elements just need to follow somewhere later in the document.

(i) Pseudo-element Selector (before & after):

The ::before and ::after pseudo elements allow you to insert content onto a page from CSS, rather than having to put it in the HTML. This powerful feature allows developers to add decorative or informative elements to the page without modifying the HTML.


The ::before pseudo element inserts content before the selected element. For example:

This will insert the text "Start of paragraph: " before every <p> tag.


The ::after pseudo element inserts content after the selected element. For example:

This will insert the text " End of paragraph." after every <p> tag.

You can use these pseudo elements to add explanatory text, icons, images, etc. without needing to add extra HTML.

Some key notes:

  • The content property is required to define what content to insert.

  • You can use images, text, emojis, etc. for the content.

  • You can style the inserted content like any other element.

So in summary, the ::before and ::after pseudo elements give you extra flexibility and creativity with styling your HTML without adding extra tags.

Mastering the varied CSS selectors is a key step in becoming a proficient front-end developer. While it may seem daunting at first, taking the time to learn selector syntax and use cases will give you precise control over styling elements on a page. Start by getting comfortable with fundamental selectors like type, class and ID selectors. Then level up to more advanced selectors like pseudo-classes and combinators as you encounter styling challenges. With regular practice and reference, CSS selectors will soon become second nature. Continual experimentation and research will add to your selector prowess over time. Soon you'll be targeting page elements with flexibility and ease to bring your visual design visions to life.